Regardless of your personal situation, career, or finding the right partner, egg and sperm freezing allow you to safely postpone having your own children.

Preserve the possibility of conceiving your own children in the future
Egg freezing
Are you waiting for the right partner, planning to undergo future oncological treatment, or having your ovaries removed for medical reasons? Whatever your reasons may be, egg freezing using the vitrification method is the gentlest and most reliable way to preserve your reproductive future.
Egg Vitrification
A package for women who do not currently plan pregnancy but wish to preserve their eggs for future use. Freezing a minimum of 15 quality oocytes offers a realistic chance. The cost 2.500 EUR.
How is egg retrieval performed?
The procedure is done under general anesthesia and guided by ultrasound. Using a thin needle, we retrieve follicular fluid through the vaginal wall. In the laboratory, embryologists select the eggs from the fluid. The procedure itself takes only 10 to 15 minutes, but you will rest under medical supervision for a few hours after the retrieval.
How long can eggs be stored?
Eggs frozen using the vitrification method can be stored for several decades. Once the right time comes for you, they can be thawed and used very easily.
How are the eggs preserved?
The preservation of eggs involves the method of cryopreservation. They are stored frozen in liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -196 °C in special containers. The previously used slow freezing method has been replaced by vitrification, which involves a rapid and instantaneous decrease in temperature. Unlike slow freezing, no ice crystals are formed during vitrification, which could damage the cells.
Can I donate my eggs afterward?
There are strict criteria for egg donation related to age, education, and especially genetic testing. In the case of social freezing, a woman donates oocytes to herself. Therefore, it depends on the individual case of each woman, and the initial consultation and examination with the doctor will be crucial.
At what age should I freeze my eggs?
The ideal age for egg retrieval is around 25 years old when they reach their highest quality. However, it is possible to freeze them later as well. It is recommended to freeze approximately 15 high-quality eggs, as the number of eggs per cycle decreases with age, and it may be necessary to repeat the retrieval.
Are these procedures covered by health insurance?
Typically, they are not covered. However, in individual cases, especially for patients undergoing oncological treatment, the insurance company covers the entire preparatory process before egg vitrification.

Sperm Freezing
We recommend sperm freezing for men engaged in high-risk sports, performing high-risk occupations, planning for oncological treatment, or leading an unhealthy lifestyle.
Egg Vitrification
A package for women who do not currently plan pregnancy but wish to preserve their eggs for future use. Freezing a minimum of 15 quality oocytes offers a realistic chance. The cost 2.500 EUR.
Why should I consider preemptive sperm freezing?
Preemptive sperm freezing is recommended, especially for men who are planning any long-term treatment that could jeopardize sperm count and quality. It is also suitable in cases where you work in a high-risk environment, are exposed to chemicals or radiation, or have experienced paralysis due to an injury.
Another increasingly common reason for preemptive freezing is the deteriorating sperm quality among men of reproductive age. This is often caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, inappropriate underwear, or carrying a mobile phone in the trouser pocket.
How is semen collection performed?
Semen is collected after a period of sexual abstinence lasting two to three days. The collection is done through masturbation in a sterile container, and the sample must be personally delivered by the man to whom it belongs. If collecting the sample in the collection room is not suitable for you, it is possible for your partner to collect the sample, or by prior arrangement, you can bring the sample from home in a labelled container provided by the clinic.
How long can sperm be stored?
Sperm frozen by the vitrification method can be stored for several decades until the right moment for parenthood arrives.
How are sperm stored?
The method used for sperm storage is cryopreservation. The sperm is frozen in liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -196 °C, which leads to an immediate and rapid decrease in temperature.
At what age should I freeze sperm?
It is ideal to freeze sperm as soon as possible, preferably before the age of 35, as they begin to decrease in both quantity and quality.

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Egg Vitrification
A package for women who do not currently plan pregnancy but wish to preserve their eggs for future use. Freezing a minimum of 15 quality oocytes offers a realistic chance. The cost 2.500 EUR.
The package includes
- OPU (Oocyte Pick-Up)
- Anesthesia during OPU
- Oocyte vitrification (+1 year storage)
Supplement Options
The programme is followed by packages with IVF treatment.